Sunday, September 13, 2009

Video Game Addiction

"Video Game Addiction." The parent report radio show. Web. .
This article talks about how video games can and do become addictive to many people. The intensity and excitement often create an addiction to the game itself. The way to prevent this addiction is to create a balance in your life or your children's lives so this cannot occur. Video games can be educational so therefore not all of it is bad, but for sure some may be very violent and inapropriate. By making sure you keep up on other hobbies like reading, or playing a sport, you can reduce the time and chance of becoming addicted to a video game.

I think this article has truth to it, but I think they're missing an important component to the subject of video games. There are many games that are completely inapropriate for people of all ages, but especially for children and teenagers. Those games have been involved in many studies and experiments that have proven their effect on the gamer has been for the worse. Games can be very addictive and can develop an unhealthy state of mind for anyone viewing or playing.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Female Comic Book Characters

Rajeev talks about the evolution of female roles in comic books over the years. It first originated as the women would be side characters or back ups, but after a considerable amount of time, women started making a place for themselves in comics. It was the women's freedom movement which initiated the new thought of having female characters actually be the heroes or heroines for that matter. Now there are many female comic book characters that compete with the best comics of all time.

I like this article because as time progressed women became stronger and more independent in the world's view. It's important to know that even something simple like a comic book picked up on this change and changed along with it, creating new stories and characters that gave women the chance to become the heroes like they are in the real world situations and events today.

Rajeev, Loveleena. "Female Comic Book Characters." N. pag. Web.